Title: Lovely Shadows
Aperture: 1/125sec Shutter speed: f/10; ISO 800
Composition Strategies: closed frame, horizontal format,converging lines, alternate point of view, asymmetrical balance and frame within a frame.
Color photo#1
Title: The Red Door
Aperture f/5.6 shutter speed 1/200sec ISO 800 Composition Strategy: Rule of Thirds
Color #2
Title: Rupture Heart
Aperture f/11 shutter speed 1/4 sec ISO 800 Composition Strategy: Movement
Color #3
Title: Valentine Tears
Aperture: f/5.3 shutter speed 1/4 sec ISO 800 Composition strategy: Shaping
Color #4
Title: Dancing Home
Aperture: f5/6 Shutter speed 1/15 sec ISo 800 Composition Strategy: Converging Lines
Title: Tri-Blue Angles
Aperture: f/16 Shutter speed: 1/15sec ISO 800 Composition Strategy: Frame within a Frame
Title: Dim Sum -Shrimp Sui Mai
Aperture: f/5.6 shutter speed: 1/15 sec ISO 800 Composition Strategy: Curvilinear Lines
Color #7
Title: One Cent a Wish
Aperture: f/5.6 shutter speed: 1/80 sec ISO 800 Composition Strategy: Vertical format
Color #8
Title: Azul Noize
Aperture: f/16 shutter speed : 0.3 sec ISO 800 Composition strategy: Zig Zag lines
Color #9
Aperture: f/5.0 shutter speed: 0.3 sec ISo 800 Composition strategy: Open frame
Aperture: f/7.1 shutter speed: 1/4 sec ISO 400 Composition Strategy: Closed Framed
Great Job!! http://GetItTogetherDomina.com